Captain America

The Avengers (MCU)

The most well-known of all my costumes, and still the one I’m most proud of. This was an absolute labour of love - from finding the perfect waffle fabric to get the proper texture on the suit, to spending hours and hours patterning the panels to look as much like the original as possible, to sitting patiently while the victory rolls were put in my wig - I’m hopeless with hair!

Made entirely from hand except the base corset and shield, this costume has been through a lot, and sadly no longer fits. But don’t worry; I’m working on a new, updated version. FemCap Mark 3, coming soon to a convention near you!

Cap Lisa.jpg

The first version of the costume looked a little like this

Made entirely of lycra and pleather, it was more comfortable but less screen accurate, and once I developed my skills a lot more I knew I could do better. I also upgraded my wig for the second version.

