It’s Time For A Journey

Hello friends! Did you know that on June 5th, it will be eight entire years since Take Back the Skies was published?

Where has the time gone?? It feels like just yesterday I was anxiously watching the first reviews come in, wondering if anyone was going to like this story I had poured my whole heart into.

The thing about the publishing process is that before a book is released into the wild, the author has to read it like, a lot of times. A lot a lot. In the early stages of editing when large parts of it may be changing, but also in the later stages when several people are combing through it to try and fix every last typo and run-on sentence and occasion in which you’ve used the same word eight times on one page. I genuinely have no idea how many times I must have read through each of my books pre-publication.

Post-publication, though? That’s a whole other story. 

By the time a book actually reaches print, most authors have moved on to the next project. Also, honestly, most authors are so sick of having re-read the book a million times that we cannot physically stomach the idea of reading it again any time soon. But, like I said, it’s been eight years. And I’ve read TBtS maybe once or twice in its entirety in that time. 

So it’s been a while. And there’s so much focus and importance put on the next project, it feels almost taboo in the publishing industry to look back and talk about previous works. 

But I’m still proud of the work I did with the Tellus series. I’m still sad that it ended at three. And I would love to re-immerse myself in the world I so lovingly began crafting at the age of sixteen.

With that in mind, here’s the plan; Starting June 5th, I will be embarking on a read-along of the entire Tellus series, and I want to bring you guys along with me.

Posting daily, two chapters at a time, I’m going to read through the books and write up my notes and thoughts as they happen — expect fun facts about scenes that never made it to print, my unashamed love for my characters, and probably a fair amount of cringe at my past writing (I like to think I have improved since then!). I’d love it if anyone else who’s keen could join in with me, reblogging with your own comments; whether you’re returning to Tellus along with me or you’re a first-time flyer of these storms, it’ll be great to have you along!

All this will be happening over on my recently-revived Tumblr (@LucySaxonBooks), under the tag #TellusReadAlong — so grab your copies of Take Back the Skies, and get ready for an adventure!


I Have No Idea What I’m Doing